Saturday, June 27, 2009

The truth behind 3 truths and a lie!

I am shocked no one guessed right. Okay not really, I tried to fool you and did! ;)
So on to what you are all dying to know.
1. Yes, I really was married at 18 (turned 19 the month I was married) and my muggle hubby and I going on 12 happy years next month.
2. I really am sad to say that I am under 5 feet tall. I am 4 feet 11 and 3/4 inches tall. I know, I usually round up. Don't check my drivers license out! ;)
3. This is the lie. Never had a broken bone, until last Saturday when I got my toe caught on one of my son's toys and fell. So now the doctor tells me I may have fractured the toe. But that will be the first broken bone ever for me.
4. Lastly, I never have had the chicken pox. I had a bit of a scare though when I was pregnant with my son. I have had the vaccination, but no one can seem to tell me if it took or not!
Thanks for playing!! I had fun sharing and getting to know all of you too!!


  1. You know why I didn't pick number three? Because I broke my arm when I was little jumping off my bed. So I thought that one sounded incredibly plausible!

  2. You jinxed yourself by using the broken bone as your lie. I do the fraction round up as well. I'm 6 feet 1/2 inch tall, but if you say 6 and a half everyone thinks 6'6". So I've always said 6'1"

  3. Missed out on this one,lol. took me a bit to find your blog/ Hope all is well, other than the toe, lol. Take care and stay off your feet. I usually step on my sons toys not kick them :o) So I do understand the sore feet thing!

