Monday, April 6, 2009


Who gave Harry an enchanted mirror?

Who said, “Imagine if something went wrong and we were stuck as specky, scrawny gits forever.”
Fred Weasley

Who said, “Are you planning to follow a career in Magical Law, Miss Granger?”

What is Ron’s middle name and what was he given in the Will?
Bilius and a deluminator

What does Hermione want to talk Mr Lovegood about and what is his first name.
She wants to ask him about the Deathly Hallows symbol. His first name is Xenophilius.

What is the name origin and what does it mean.
It comes from the word xenophile meaning a person who is attracted to that which is foreign.


  1. If I were Scrimgeour, I'd wathc it with Hermione... Granted, he is dead soon after, but he had no way of being sure of that at the time... = )

    Belladonna Boomslang

  2. Or, I could just be me, and watch my spelling better... >.<

